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There’s an App for Your Summer Fun

The world of technology is often treated as the bad guy when it comes to lacking activity levels, decreased focus on health, and a rising obesity rate in the United States. While some kids could benefit from putting down the video game controller, numerous digital applications can also serve as great resources for families in search of easy, fun ways to keep moving.

Whether you are looking for a Sunday recreational activity for the whole family, or a more focused workout to get ready for the summer months, these smartphone apps have a number of ideas to kick-start your plan:

Fitness Buddy

This multi-platform app provides a more extensive selection of exercise suggestions, including workout plans for all ranges of activity levels. Fitness Buddy is also searchable for those who are looking to target a specific area of the body.

Let’s Move It! From the Cleveland Clinic

Sometimes embracing the healthy life is as simple as getting off the couch. The Let’s Move It! app from the Cleveland Clinic makes walking and running fun.


What better way to get the family active this summer than by spending time in the great outdoors? The NatureFind app from the National Wildlife Federation suggests outdoor activities near your location—from hiking paths to recreational sporting events.

PE Games

Getting kids on the move can be fun, and PE Games has the resources to show you how. Whether you are a physical education teacher or a parent looking for some summer activities, this app provides various themed games with descriptions to make the job a bit easier.

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