Know the Risks of Cheerleading and Be Safe
While cheerleading once involved leading cheers, modern cheerleading involves a highly athletic mix of dance and gymnastic skills, as...

Stay Safe Riding in Winter Terrain
As winter approaches, the preparation and excitement for winter sports begins to build. While fun and exhilarating, snowmobiling can also...

Sled Safely to Keep Up the Winter Fun
Recreational sledding may be one of the few remaining activities available to children that is all about fun and isn’t tainted by the...

Hit the Slopes Prepared and Injury Free
Snowboarding preparation requires optimizing balance, core strength, endurance, and flexibility. The better your pre-season routine, the...

Look Out for Alcohol Use in Athletes
Alcohol consumption is widespread, in fact it is the most commonly used drug worldwide and athletes are no exception. Prevalence Sadly...

Construction in front of unit 17 will be starting on Tuesday October 24th and is expected to last a couple of days. During this time...

Injecting More Fun Into Sports — Lessen the Pressure
Times are tough and, the price of a college education is continually rising. With the mounting financial burden of a college education,...

Safe Off-Season Conditioning Creates Future Wins
Each year, millions of children and adolescents participate in organized sports in the U.S. But after the season comes to a close, many...

Set Realistic Expectations Following Sports Surgery
“She’s retorn her ACL? How could that possibly happen? Well, let’s get it fixed, she has more college showcases in six months.” In sports...

Don’t Overdo the Ibuprofen
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), a class that includes naproxen (Aleve), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), celecoxib (Celebrex),...